Marius Vieth is a truly talented, 26 year-old German photographer specialized in street photography – focusing on the human element dived into the urban environment which he presents in a poetic passion way, almost a mystical surrealism.
“To capture incredible moments, I’m traveling all around the world, but I call the wonderful city of Amsterdam my home. Before I found my passion in photography, I graduated with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Communication Studies, Psychology and Marketing“, he says of himself. “My art revolves around the human element in an urban world. In the heart of the city hustle from New York to Seoul I give unique everyday characters the stage they deserve. Sometimes in poetic infatuation or deep admiration, sometimes in mystic surrealism. Whether in vivid colours or distinct black and white, all art works unites a clear, distinctive style: gentle, bold and intense“.
As far as his gear is concerned, he has something he likes to call “Gear Avoidance Syndrome”: he only owns one camera and one lens in order to think as little as possible in terms of technical aspects and as much as possible in creative aspects.
“When I’m not taking photos or taking care of NEOPRIME, I love to cook, meditate, go for a run, watch tv shows or old movies and have fun with my friends and family. And I love pugs. A lot“, he adds.