Austrian designer Andreas Scheiger has unveiled his “Upcycle Fetish”. A world where used bicycle pieces like the bike saddle and brake handle turn into decorative hangers, reminding one of sculptures.Vienna based graphic designer Andreas Scheiger recycles everything. And loves sculpting. And typography. Mix everything together and his greatest love, bicycles could not be turn out to be an exception of his rules, hence the “Upcycle Fetish”. Combined with oval wooden plates, the designer presents a series of hanging racks, inspired by Pablo Picasso’s bull head sculptures, while nodding towards traditional hunting trophies. But these racks are also functional and wicked (in the best possible way), bringing a decoration synonymous with quaint households to the modern era. Plus, the hangers can also be used to suspend everyday objects.
Indeed, Pablo Picasso saw it first and created his “cabeza de toro”. And yes, Andreas Scheiger´s primary works celebrate the craft of etching, engraving and letter design with a nod to both science and the graphic design of the Victorian era.
[infobox bg=”darkgray” color=”black” opacity=”on” subtitle=”He lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Drawing and painting, handicraft working and sculpting always has been his passion. Already in his early years, his teachers asked him to illustrate the school´s newspaper. Later he was the leading illustrator of Austria´s biggest students´magazine, which in turn led to various assignments. Andreas Scheiger cultivated his technical skills when he worked as a graphic designer and later as an art director in advertising. Inspired by pop art, bauhaus and modernism and the inherent idea of combining graphic design with free art, he passionately experiments with materials and styles. In all his works he aspires to create a visual impact by simplifying a complex concept.”]About Andreas Scheiger[/infobox]“The idea for the Upcycle Fetishes popped up while visiting a bicycle flea market. I started collecting discarded saddles, stems and handle bars from dumps, scrap dealers and used bike workshops. I invested in a Bosch router and learned how to mill the mounting plate from wood leftovers. When I was half through the cleaning, milling, screwing and filing I found that Pablo Picasso has had the same idea with his “cabeza de toro”. But whereas Picasso crafted a piece of art, I wanted my fetishes to serve a purpose. Originally I planned to build bicycle hangers but not all of the stems and handle bars were suited for this. In the end, the result is an array of “fetish hangers” with each hanger assembled to carry heavy load”, says Andreas Scheiger.