The Trophy Bike, designed by VF Outdoor Corporation and Rapt Studio is not only handmade, but almost… too good to use on dusty streets.
To create a raw material fixed gear tasteful enough to put on the wall, Rapt Studio teamed up with Michael Pfaltzgraff, who’s designed a fair share of Tour de France bikes for Trek (and worked with the likes of Damien Hirst, Kaws and Barry McGee). Conceptualized from classic products of VF Corp., the frame is brushed chro-moly with a stained leather saddle, walnut handlebars, and sections of beautifully white painted aluminum. And in order to reflect Steve’s love of the outdoors they even took the liberty of adding a topographical pattern overlay on the exposed raw steel of the frame.
To celebrate his career, the guys over at Rapt Studio added the coordinates of the five iconic brands of VF Outdoor that Steve has been directly involved with—The North Face, Timberland, JanSport, Lucy, and Smartwool as well as a marked seat post with the years of his key milestones at VF—note that as he ascends the ranks, the seat post rises.
Further, their friends over at NOTCOT helped them make the custom laser cut medallion at the front of the bike with Steve’s initials (so there is no question as to who owns it, #LOL).