Inspired by the monocle and the color wheel, this LEICA X2 Concept, designed by Vincent Sall, looks at picking the best features found on smartphones and marrying them with the ones found on a digital camera. Vincent Sall envisions a Leica X3 that is an extremely mobile version of the high-end compact that folds up and communicates with a smartphone to share its images. So basically this is a lovechild that is the size of a lens and transfers the pictures instantly to your smartphone, tablet or Mac via Bluetooth. The camera is automatically turned on when the lens is flipped out and a simple user interface allows you take pictures in a jiffy. Specs include both manual and automatic control for aperture, shutter speed and ISO. I like the direction of this concept; it aims at tapping into the future of photography and brings a totally new dimension to the modern habit of sharing pictures with the world.
Every day people around the world take millions of pictures. The modern culture of sharing photos with your friends and loved ones has never been bigger. This project is about filling the gap between big cameras with great image quality and smartphone cameras with limited quality/control. But do note that this project is a personal project for self promotion only and Leica AG has not been included in the process in any way.