Stanislav Aristov presents a whole new way of shocking through a snap shot. It only involves a couple of burnt match sticks. And loads of fun.
Admittedly, it also probably involves Photoshop. But nobody really cares. Stanislav Aristov, also known as Pol Tergejst, is a 30 year old photographer from Ekaterinburg, Russia, that can truly make macro – miracles happen, within the seconds needed for a match stick to quietly burn. He discribes his “Спички” ([spitch-kee] – meaning “matchsticks” in Russian) series as capturing “the big lives of the tiny wood splinters”. This again goes to prove that a true artist can find artistic potential even in the smallest and most commonplace objects around him.
So, next time you notice something as discarded as a burnt matchstick, think again. The devil truly is in the (macro) details of this world.
Stanislav Aristov Gallery: