Polish photographer Jakub Polomski, who specializes in landscape and travel photography, captured these pictures as part of a project called “The Scale of Nature”.
The series is truly breathtaking and also serves as a humble reminder that we as human beings are so small in this vast world.
“My adventure with photography began in 2005. I started taking pictures around my hometown Cieszyn, and I really enjoyed it. I was reading about photography and learning myself. After some time I thought my images are really good, and I decided to publish them on Polish photo web platforms. I was the beginner, so according to this famous chart I believed 80% of my photos are good. Well, they were not, and I got a lot of negative comments. Thanks to these critiques I made a progress. I wanted to prove myself that I can do it better and I spent really a lot of time on photographing, reading, and learning. In 2007 for the first time I sent my images to one Polish photo contest in which I was awarded with the 3rd prize. Since 2007, I have been awarded with several prizes and commendations in various national and international photography contests. However by far the most important for me is National Geographic Poland statuette gained for the first place in category ‘Polish Landscape’ in 2010. After receiving this award I decided to make photography my profession.
Travel, light, and time – that is what photography means for me. Since 2007, I have been awarded with several prizes and commendations in various photography contests. However by far the most important for me is National Geographic Poland statuette gained for the first place in category “Polish Landscape” in 2010.”