Ocean Gravity is a short film that rewrites the rules of the underwater world and takes us this time into the world of the weightlessness. This amazing footage, filmed late last year by director and underwater cameraman Julie Gautier, shows free diver Guillaume Néry as he’s carried by swift currents through Tiputa pass, part of the Rangiroa atoll about 355 km Northeast of Tahiti.
Just like in the space, there isn’t anymore a top or a bottom. There isn’t anymore upside down and wrong side out. The ocean becomes cosmos, the man a satellite, and the bottom of the sea an unknown planet. Welcome in the fascinating universe of Ocean Gravity.
For as long as I can remember, my diving propels fed my imagination in that fantasy of the conquest of space. To touch the bottom of the sea or to set foot on an unexplored planet, those were two fascinating adventures which fed my thirst for the unknown. The discovery of this quite unique place (Tiputa – Rangiroa – French Polynesia) allowed us to finally pair the visual closeness of these two universes of water and air, ocean and space”, stated Guillaume Néry.
Written and directed by Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier
Underwater camera on breathhold: Julie Gautier
With Guillaume Néry
Editing: Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier
Color correction: Arthur Paux
Logistical support: Y AKA Plongée Rangiroa
Music by THE GLITCH MOB – How to be eaten by a woman