Caritas and AllesWirdGut have designed and developed a concept that actually redefines hospitality: the Magdas Hotel. A house for tourists and for refugees, all under one roof, located in Vienna’s Prater district.
“You will soon realize – something is different here. Magdas Hotel is fresh, open-minded and courageous. In short, “lässig” (casual), as we like to say in Vienna”, they say.
Magdas HOTEL makes people from all over the world come together. As guests, employees or friends. People from 14 different nations with very different biographies work at Magdas Hotel. Each and every one of them makes this place so unique.Art and Magdas Hotel go hand in hand. “Since the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is our neighbor collaborating with its students was obvious. The creativity of the young artists can be found in every corner of the hotel. Almost every room has been fitted with a special piece of art by a student of the academy. And we do host artists in our artist-in-residence suite in reward”, they add.
Run as a social business, Magdas Hotel tries to solve social and economic problems with entrepreneurial tools. The hotel functions like every other company, just that their focus is not the maximization of profit, but the maximization of openess and humanity.
Sounds too good to pass, doesn’t it?