Lorenzo Palmeri, architect, art director, academic, multitasking designer as choice of life, twenty-first century Stradivari and musician creates “LivingStone” animals for Stone Italiana (photographed by Max Rommel).
“LivingStone” designed by Milan-based Lorenzo Palmeri (with his project assistant Luca Barengo) and manufactured by Stone Italiana pays tribute to the strength and courage of explorers and experimenters, and is practically a fairytale, set in the complex scenario of a jungle, inhabited by animals big and small, and most significantly by King Rhino.
The animals, each formed by slabs of natural stone, are both exhibitors and first-hand players, narrating the history of the company and its materials, finishes and colours. In the very end, “LivingStone”, this family of life-size sculptures that take on the shape of animals sets out to involve the public in a physical, tactile experience encouraging direct contact with materials, in an environment in which visitors are told to “please touch”.
But no, stone is not his favourite material. “Some things just happen, you can only choose to catch them or not and this is the best of our work: today something graphic, tomorrow a pen, the day after tomorrow, who knows. The matter that I prefer, even though not a physical one, is design itself. I see glimpses of truth coming from a variety of sources”, he says.
About the artist: Architectural degree from Politecnico of Milan and initial work experience and collaborative projects with Bruno Munari and Isao Hosoe. During the same period, Lorenzo Palmieri also studies music. Areas of activity range from architecture, interior and product design to musical production and composition. His projects won and were selected for some major prizes such as the Good Design Award and Adi Design Index. From 1997 lecturer at Politecnico of Milan in the Departments of Design; University of Siena.