Julián Cánovas-Yañez resurrects as a real life sculpture out of mud, in front of the lens of photographer Alejandro Maestre. The amazing project is called “EL HOMBRE QUE SE CREA”.
Alejandro Maestre asked his friend Julián Cánovas-Yañez to cover himself with a mixture of blue paint and mud. He then photographed Julián at various stages. Later, in Photoshop, 31-year-old photographer Maestre cut around his subject’s body to make him appear like a floating sculpture.
Alejandro Maestre is a Spanish photographer known for his commercial work with huge campaigns for brands such as Burberry, Audi, Mayoral and Industrias Cosmic. “EL HOMBRE QUE SE CREA” is a photographic portrait series of artist Julián Cánovas-Yañez (film director, sculptor, painter, photographer and writer) that actually explores the sculptural evolution of the human body. In his continuous quest to understand his body and spirit, he suggested the idea of a portrait of him to Maestre.
”With this photograph series I intend to show an artist fighting to get to know and shape himself and turn into a better human being”, Alejandro Maestre explains.
So, in a sequence of all in all 20 images that definitely showcase quite some classical beauty, Julián Cánovas-Yañez manages to sculpt himself to life, as he gradually, click by click, resurrects in front of Maestre’s lens.
“EL HOMBRE QUE SE CREA”, the synergy of Julián Cánovas-Yañez and Alejandro Maestre, is a fantastic project, definitely worth every second spent investigating every inch and side of it. A classic to showcase again and again.