Work By Land is a design studio with a unique style, born from the union of designers Caleb Owen Everitt and Ryan Rhodes. With a vintage aesthetic and lots of originality, they have fascinated the world of design with their logos and branding.
It’s true that motorbike visuals and heritage vibes are still continuing to be a relevant graphic trend. These beautifully crafted branding graphics presented here are by Caleb Owen Everitt, who recently teamed up with his dear friend and partner in crime Ryan Rodes and they are now working together as Work By Land, a flourishing design studio that already counts numerous impressive clients..
Facsinated by anything hand made, Everitt explores how the human hands can bring subtile inperfections and reveal something authentic, true and honest through very simple and genuine design. His authentic looking layouts and hand crafted font work that give these branded graphics such strong visual impact, he has one of those distinctive styles you can recognise almost immediately and will have you returning time and time again..
Of course, the team already have an impressive list of clients which include Vans, Falcon Motorcycles, Levi, Nike and Stag Austin.