The Basques can jump. Because in the picturesque city of San Sebastián, the architects of VAUMM turned the online shopping destination of Deskontalia into a playful interior and a wicked cardboard jungle.Τhe new pickup location of Deskontalia (a group discount voucher website) sets a great precedent for a type of retail space that barely exists yet. VAUMM’s design for the Basque pick-up location in San Sebastián integrates the tool of the center – plain and common shipping boxes – into the interior décor. With nothing to actually display in the shop, the space simply offers customers a physical entity where they can pick up their deliveries, find out about the latest offers and generally interact with the brand. And to counterbalance the flatness of the brown boxes, the architects gave them a textured backdrop of white masonry walls, casting pillars, and resin-coated floors. The fun solution plays to purpose, simplicity, and a sense of humor.
Besides, it all just makes clear that for companies with a primarily virtual presence and business model, luxurious interiors with professional office spaces are unbearable and “too much”. The result is a brand-relevant sculpture that resembles a pile of boxes that visitors can actually interact with: a meeting place between brand and people, and an intriguing approach to bridging online and offline retail.
All photos ©Aitor Ortiz